The Doctrine of 'Vera Nobilitas' as Developed After Chaucer

Author / Editor
Schlauch, Margaret.

The Doctrine of 'Vera Nobilitas' as Developed After Chaucer

Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 17 (1970): 119-27.

Observes parallels between the discussion of true gentility in WBT ("gentilesse"; 3.1109-1212) and fifteenth-century treatments of the subject in Latin (by Buonaccurso de Montemagno), French (Jean Mielot), and English (John Tiptoft), observing that there is no radical break between medieval and Renaissance discussions of the topic, which share similar classical roots.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations