Chaucer's Prosody: A Study of the Middle English Verse Tradition

Author / Editor
Robinson, Ian.

Chaucer's Prosody: A Study of the Middle English Verse Tradition

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

Physical Description
xii, 251 pp.

Explores what can and cannot be known about the meter and rhythm of Chaucer's verse and that of his contemporaries and followers, arguing that Chaucer employed a lively "balanced parameter" that is not heavily restricted by regularity and that should be read with sensitivity to variation. Comments on metrical history and traditional analyses, the status of final "-e," variable stress, and manuscript punctuation. Recommends that readers use manuscripts (or facsimiles) for reading Chaucer and that they aim for liveliness in aural presentation, whether silent or aloud.

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification
Manuscripts and Textual Studies