A Metrical and Stylistic Study of 'The Tale of Gamelyn'

Author / Editor
Daniel, Neil.

A Metrical and Stylistic Study of 'The Tale of Gamelyn'

Betsy Feagan Colquitt, ed. Studies in Medieval Renaissance American Literature: A Festschrift [Honoring Troy C. Crenshaw, Lorraine Sherley, Ruth Speer Angell] (Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1971), pp. 19-32.

Describes and analyzes the versification of "The Tale of Gamelyn," arguing that its "prosodic system . . . falls somewhere between" those of Chaucer and of "Piers Plowman."

Alternative Title
Studies in Medieval Renaissance American Literature: A Festschrift [Honoring Troy C. Crenshaw, Lorraine Sherley, Ruth Speer Angell].

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucerian Apocrypha
Style and Versification