Fantasies of the Other's Body in Middle English Oriental Romance

Author / Editor
Czarnowus, Anna.

Fantasies of the Other's Body in Middle English Oriental Romance

Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013.

Physical Description
233 pp.

Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature.

Considers the body of the "Other" in various medieval romances. Chapter 1, "Ethnic Difference and Body Marvelous: the Case of Chaucer's 'Squire's Tale' and Sir Ferumbras," focuses on how SqT highlights Canace's ethnicity as a space for fantasy. Canace represents an exotic other, symbolizing a "new world" in the East that is attractive to the West. SqT ties together the wonder inimical to the genre of romance with the fear of the Eastern Other, revealing the competing ideologies at work in the text.

Chaucer Subjects
Squire and His Tale