Chaucer's Metrical Landscape

Author / Editor
Cole, Kristin Lynn.

Chaucer's Metrical Landscape

Clíodhna Carney and Frances McCormack, eds. Chaucer's Poetry: Words, Authority and Ethics (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013), pp. 92-106.

Questions the idea that Chaucer's relationship with the alliterative verse of his contemporaries, such as the "Gawain"-poet and Langland, was antagonistic. Instead, suggests that the alliterative and the London poets participate in a shared metrical phonology and a range of metrical choices far more complex than a simple binary between long-line alliterative and decasyllabic verse.

Alternative Title
Chaucer's Poetry: Words, Authority and Ethics.

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations