Medievalism in E. E. Cummings' Works: Dante, Chaucer and the Troubadours among the Modern

Author / Editor
González Mínguez, M. Teresa.

Medievalism in E. E. Cummings' Works: Dante, Chaucer and the Troubadours among the Modern

Ana Laura Rodríguez Redondo and Eugenio Contreras Domingo, eds. Focus on Old and Middle English Studies (Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2011), pp. 209-17.

Analyzes E. E. Cummings' recovery and revision of medieval themes, models, and authors, including Chaucer, who inspired him to express the exaltation of beauty. Both authors' use of language is considered revolutionary for their times.

Alternative Title
Focus on Old and Middle English Studies.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Language and Word Studies