Chaucer's Dream Poems

Author / Editor
Winny, James

Chaucer's Dream Poems

London: Chatto & Windus, 1973.

Physical Description
158 pp.

Studies the "meaning of the dream-poems," exploring Chaucer's concerns with the "nature and causes" of dreams, the importance and role of imagination, tensions between courtly and commonplace ideals, and the "contest" between "authority and disorder." Individual chapters on BD, HF, and PF attend to Chaucer's adaptations of sources to underpin thematic readings, and a final chapter assesses how the narrative personae of these poems (and LGWP) anticipate the "essentially comic character" of the narrator of CT.

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess
Parliament of Fowls
House of Fame
Legend of Good Women
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Canterbury Tales--General