Chaucerian Apocrypha

Author / Editor
Robbins, Rossell Hope.

Chaucerian Apocrypha

Albert E. Hartung, gen. ed. A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050-1500, Volume 4, Part 11 (Hamden Conn.: Shoe String Press, 1973), pp. 1285-1306.

A bibliography of the resources that pertain to the study of Chaucerian apocrypha (background studies, manuscripts and editions, and critical essays), arranged by the titles of the works.

Hartung, Albert E., gen ed.

Alternative Title
Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050-1500.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucerian Apocrypha
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Bibliographies, Reports, and Reference