The Influence of Rhetoric on Chaucer's Portraiture

Author / Editor
Bickford, Charles Gray.

The Influence of Rhetoric on Chaucer's Portraiture

DAI 34.08 (1974): 5091A.

Describes the models of verbal portraiture in the "Rhetorica ad Herennium" and works by Geoffrey of Vinsauf and Matthew of Vendôme and their impact on Chaucer, arguing that the portraits of Fortune and Blanche in BD reflect the Black Knight's state of mind; that the portraits of Diomede, Troilus, and Criseyde in TC reflect the "growth of Troilus' character and the decline of Criseyde's"; and that the portrait of Virginia in PhyT indicates the "limitation of the Physician."

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Book of the Duchess
Troilus and Criseyde
Physician and His Tale
Style and Versification