Reflections on a Gloss to the 'Prioress's Tale' from Jerome's 'Adversus Jovinianum'

Author / Editor
Brennan, John P.

Reflections on a Gloss to the 'Prioress's Tale' from Jerome's 'Adversus Jovinianum'

Studies in Philology 70 (1973): 243-51.

Surveys critical discussions of Chaucer's authorship of the "substantive" glosses that appear in his manuscripts, shows that the glosses to PrT 7.579-85 derive from Jerome's "Adversus Jovinianum" rather than from the liturgy of the Holy Innocents, and argues that these glosses were written by Chaucer and provide evidence of his "creative process," especially his intention to set the view of virginity in PrT in counterpoint to that in WBP.

Chaucer Subjects
Prioress and Her Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Wife of Bath and Her Tale