Selling Alys: Reading (with) the Wife of Bath

Author / Editor
Ladd, Roger A.

Selling Alys: Reading (with) the Wife of Bath

SAC 34 (2012): 141-71.

Explores Chaucer's strategy of satire in WBPT, arguing that in its concern with interpretation and discursive insensibility it is fundamentally similar to the anti-mercantile satire of MerT, ShT, and MLT. Reads the Wife in "a London context," associating her with guild-class silkwomen, and hypothesizes Chaucer's series of revisions to the Wife of Bath materials (including the manuscript glosses), which reduces mercantile concerns to those of gender and marriage while maintaining effective satire of the merchant estate.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Merchant and His Tale
Shipman and His Tale
Man of Law and His Tale