The Exigencies of 'Latyn corrupt': Linguistic Change and Historical Consciousness in Chaucer's 'Man of Law's Tale'

Author / Editor
Johnston, Andrew James.

The Exigencies of 'Latyn corrupt': Linguistic Change and Historical Consciousness in Chaucer's 'Man of Law's Tale'

Claudia Lange, Beatrix Weber, and Göran Wolf, eds. Communicative Spaces: Variation, Contact, and Change: Papers in Honour of Ursula Schaefer (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2012), pp. 133-46.

Interprets Custance's use of "Latyn corrupt" to the natives of Northumbria in terms of Isidore of Seville's discussion of linguistic history and suggests that MLT takes an acutely historicist view of the development of medieval Christianity, questioning Christianity's imperial Roman heritage, and privileging instead its vernacular and local traditions.

Lange, Claudia, ed.
Weber, Beatrix, ed.
Wolf, Göran, ed.

Alternative Title
Communicative Spaces: Variation, Contact, and Change: Papers in Honour of Ursula Schaefer.

Chaucer Subjects
Man of Law and His Tale
Language and Word Studies