A New Philosophy of Literature: The Fundamental Theme and Unity of World Literature: The Vision of the Infinite and the Universalist Literary Tradition

Author / Editor
Hagger, Nicholas.

A New Philosophy of Literature: The Fundamental Theme and Unity of World Literature: The Vision of the Infinite and the Universalist Literary Tradition

Winchester: O-Books, 2012.

Physical Description
ix, 529 pp.

Surveys metaphysical and secular Universalist traditions in world literatures. Chapter 3, "The Literature of the Middle Ages," includes a summary of CT and argues that it depicts a "metaphysical quest" with "metaphysical and secular aspects" of a fundamental Universalist theme. WorldCat records indicate that the e-book version of this title includes in an Appendix two essays on Chaucer's ironic technique: 1) "Chaucer’s Ironic Praise and Deflation, Ridiculing Follies and Vices of the Incumbents within the Church System" and 2) "Chaucer’s 'Merchant’s Tale': Epic Marriage and Early Mock-Heroic Deflation of Blindness."

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General
Style and Versification
Merchant and His Tale