Scribit Mater: Mary and the Language Arts in the Literature of Medieval England

Author / Editor
Donavin, Georgiana.

Scribit Mater: Mary and the Language Arts in the Literature of Medieval England

Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2012.

Physical Description
xiii, 315 pp.

Investigates "constructions of Mary as Lady Rhetorica, 'magistra' for language studies, muse for poetry, and exemplar of perfected speech in a fallen world." Chapter 4, "Chaucer and Dame School," considers how ABC, PrT, and SNT "depict a hierarchy of Marian studies and the Virgin's intervention at every level of language learning," from elementary learning in dame schools to advanced study in the trivium.

Chaucer Subjects
Prioress and Her Tale
Second Nun and Her Tale