From 'O qui perpetua' to 'Allas! I wepynge': A Long Journey into Boethius's Intimations with Philosophy

Author / Editor
Gutiérrez Arranz, José María.

From 'O qui perpetua' to 'Allas! I wepynge': A Long Journey into Boethius's Intimations with Philosophy

J. Martin Arista, et al., eds. Convergent Approaches to Medieval English Language and Literature (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2012), pp. 293-311.

Following a discussion of classical and medieval translation, imitation, commentary, and glossing, tabulates the sources of Bo--with newly proposed titles that fuse "interpretatio" and "exercitatio."

Alternative Title
Convergent Approaches to Medieval English Language and Literature.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations