Opening up Middle English Manuscripts: Literary and Visual Approaches

Author / Editor
Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, Maidie Hilmo, and Linda Olson, eds.

Opening up Middle English Manuscripts: Literary and Visual Approaches

Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2012.

Physical Description
xxxii, 392 pp.; illus.

Richly illustrated text highlights issues that affected literary production, and focuses on how illustrations and glosses expand understanding of medieval English book culture. Introduction discusses different strategies of scribes in two versions of CkT: in the Hengwrt, fol. 57v, and Oxford Corpus Christi College, MS 198, fol. 62. For three chapters that focus on illustrated Chaucerian works, search for Opening up Middle English Manuscripts under Alternative Title.

Hilmo, Maidie, ed.
Olson, Linda, ed.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Cook and His Tale