The Parody of Medieval Music in the 'Miller's Tale'

Author / Editor
Gellrich, Jesse M.

The Parody of Medieval Music in the 'Miller's Tale'

Journal of English and Germanic Philology 73 (1974): 176-88.

Describes the "pervasive tone" of MilT as "comic irony" and explores how musical imagery contributes to this tone, especially through incongruous juxtapositions of profundity and profanity. Includes discussion of Nicholas's Annunciation song ("angelus") and psaltery, the sexual melody-making of Nicholas and Alison, and Absolon's serenade, which is replete with echoes of the "Canticum Canticorum" (Song of Songs).

Chaucer Subjects
Miller and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations