A Pseudo-'Canterbury Tale': Chaucer in the Seventeenth Century

Author / Editor
Sprunger, David.

A Pseudo-'Canterbury Tale': Chaucer in the Seventeenth Century

Enarratio 15 (2011 for 2008): 100-123.

Comments on Chaucer's reputation as a Wycliffite reformer or Lollard that resulted from his depictions of clergymen (especially the Parson) and from apocryphal tales attributed to him. Edits and assesses a 1641 pamphlet that includes two poetic texts: 1) a tale of a "Potent Peer of Calidon" attributed to Chaucer and 2) the "Scots Pedlar" that is analogous to the "Pardoner's Confession."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucerian Apocrypha
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Parson and His Tale