Harry Bailly: Chaucer's Critic?

Author / Editor
Dubs, Kathleen.

Harry Bailly: Chaucer's Critic?

Kathleen Dubs and Janka Kascáková, eds. Does It Really Mean That? Interpreting the Literary Ambiguous (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2011), pp. 35-58.

Through Harry Bailly in CT, Chaucer explores the literary tastes of his new audience. Although the Host's interpretations of Chaucer's tales are usually wrong-headed, Chaucer uses the Host to suggest appropriate audience reactions to various medieval literary forms.

Dubs, Kathleen, ed.
Kascáková, Janka, ed.

Alternative Title
Does It Really Mean That? Interpreting the Literary Ambiguous.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General