['The footing of thy feete': Chaucer in Book 4 of 'The Faerie Queene']

Author / Editor
Yim, Sung-kyun.

['The footing of thy feete': Chaucer in Book 4 of 'The Faerie Queene']

Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 19.2 (2011): 165-86.

Explores Edmund Spenser's adaptation of SqT in Book 4 of his "Faerie Queene," focusing on how he develops a theme of friendship. Spenser claims Chaucer as source, but it seems neither that he "completes" SqT nor focuses on the Cambel/Canacee plot. In Korean, with English abstract.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Squire and His Tale