Testi, Intertesti, Contesti: Seminario su "The Wife of Bath" di Éilís Ní Dhuibhne

Author / Editor
Ballestra, Gianfranca, and Leslie-Anne Crowley, eds.

Testi, Intertesti, Contesti: Seminario su "The Wife of Bath" di Éilís Ní Dhuibhne

Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2000.

Physical Description
x, 168 pp.

Proceedings from a seminar on Éilís Ní Dhuibhne's short story, "The Wife of Bath," in which a modern character (a Jane Austen fan) travels to Bath and meets a woman, Alice, whose life recalls Chaucer's character in several ways. The story is included (pp. 3-14), with a sequel (pp. 113-24), translations of the stories into Italian by Paola Biancolini Decuypère (pp. 15-27 and 125-37), and a question and answer session that considers translation of the story and its allusions, conducted by Giovanna Tallone (pp. 151-63). Also included are several critical essays, including "The Wives of Bath: Chaucer and Ní Dhuibhne" (pp. 67-75), by Maria Luisa Maggioni, who compares the two versions of the Wife of Bath.

Ní Dhuibhne, Éilís.
Crowley, Leslie-Anne, ed.
Decuypère, Paola Biancolini, trans.
Tallone, Giovanna.
Maggioni, Maria Luisa,

Alternative Title
"The Wife of Bath"
"The Wives of Bath: Chaucer and Ní Dhuibhne."

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion