An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory: Key Critical Concepts
- Author / Editor
- Bennett, Andrew, and Nicholas Royle.
An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory: Key Critical Concepts
- Published
- New York: Prentice Hall, 1995.
- Physical Description
- ix, 238 pp.
- Description
- Comments (pp. 6-7) on T. S. Eliot's allusion to GP at the beginning of his "The Waste Land" and discusses (pp. 78-79) the comedy of MilT as "very specifically linguistic," turning on a double meaning of the word "water," as well as depending upon the audience's sense of superiority. Revised, second edition in 1999.
- Contributor
- Royle, Nicholas.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
- General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
- Miller and His Tale
- Language and Word Studies