The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Women's Writing

Author / Editor
Dinshaw, Carolyn, and David Wallace, eds.

The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Women's Writing

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Physical Description
xix, 289 pp.

Seventeen essays by various authors on topics that pertain to women, writing, and social conditions in England and the Continent in the late Middle Ages. None of the essay pertains to Chaucer exclusively, but references to his works recur throughout, especially in Barbara A. Hanawalt's chapter, "Widows," where she comments on a number of Chaucer's works (NPT, FrT, WBP, MerT, PrT, and TC), and Alcuin Blamire's "Beneath the Pulpit," which includes discussion of FrT and other Chaucerian works (MilT, WBP, FranT) as evidence of the "rights, limitations, rituals, and contributions of women" in the late-medieval Church.

Hanawalt, Barbara A.
Blamires, Alcuin.
Wallace, David, ed.

Alternative Title
"Beneath the Pulpit."

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Friar and His Tale