The Everyman History of English Literature
- Author / Editor
- Conrad, Peter.
The Everyman History of English Literature
- Published
- London: Dent, 1985.
- Physical Description
- x, 740 pp.
- Description
- A history of English literature that emphasizes the continuity of ongoing forms and thematic concerns. Two chapters pertain to Chaucer: "Chaucerian Epic and Romance" and "Chaucer, Langland and the Treachery of the Text." The first traces how Chaucer "mimes epic's defeat by romance," a mirror of western literary tradition, with attention to GP, KnT, MilT, RvT, and TC; the second explores how Chaucer (in contrast to Langland) disguises his abandonment of truth for fabulation, especially through various personae: the Wife of Bath, the Pardoner, and Chauntecleer in CT and Pandarus in TC. Throughout the volume, Conrad comments on Chaucer's reception and influence.
- A revised edition, with an additional chapter on postmodern literature, was published as "Cassell's History of English Literature (London: Cassell, 2003).
- Alternative Title
- Cassell's History of English Literature.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Background and General Criticism
- Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
- Canterbury Tales--General
- Troilus and Criseyde
- Knight and His Tale
- Miller and His Tale
- Reeve and His Tale
- Wife of Bath and Her Tale
- Pardoner and His Tale
- Nun's Priest and His Tale