Jupiter and Saturn: Medieval Ideas of 'Elde'
- Author / Editor
- Peters, Harry.
Jupiter and Saturn: Medieval Ideas of 'Elde'
- Published
- Albrecht Classen, ed. Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Neglected Topic (New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007), pp. 375-91.
- Description
- Describes two medieval views of old age, based in the "seasonal model" of the four ages of life and the planetary model of seven ages. Comments on various poets' uses of the age of Jupiter and the age of Saturn, and identifies Chaucer's depictions of old age in, KnT, LGW, FormAge, and especially MerT.
- Contributor
- Classen, Albrecht, ed.
- Alternative Title
- Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Neglected Topic.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Merchant and His Tale
- Knight and His Tale
- Legend of Good Women
- Former Age