Talking Dirty: Vernacular Language and the Lower Body

Author / Editor
Hardwick, Paul.

Talking Dirty: Vernacular Language and the Lower Body

Paul Hardwick, ed. The Playful Middle Ages: Meanings of Play and Plays of Meaning: Essays in Memory of Elaine C. Block (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2010), pp. 81-91.

Explores relations between vernacularity and scatology in MilT and "Til Eulenspiegel," commenting on how use of the "kultour" in MilT plays upon the Knight's earlier reference to a plough and undermines clerical discourse in which the plough is a "traditional analogue of the preacher's word."

Hardwick, Paul, ed.

Alternative Title
Playful Middle Ages: Meanings of Play and Plays of Meaning: Essays in Memory of Elaine C. Block.

Chaucer Subjects
Miller and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Language and Word Studies