Chaucer, the Prioress, and the Resurrection of the Body

Author / Editor
Ruud, Jay.

Chaucer, the Prioress, and the Resurrection of the Body

Medieval Perspectives 24 (2009): 59-70.

Surveys Chaucer's attention to the theological issue of bodily resurrection in FrT, SumT, and PardT, set against a survey of orthodox and heterodox positions in the Church Fathers and Dante. Then establishes Chaucer's "conservative" attitude toward the issue in PrT, where the emphasis on the flesh--mutilation, putrefaction, and the "gem-like integrity" of the clergeon--implies that Chaucer's view is more in accord with earlier tradition than with Thomistic emphasis on form rather than substance.

Chaucer Subjects
Prioress and Her Tale
Friar and His Tale
Summoner and His Tale
Pardoner and His Tale