Sailing the Seas of Literary History: Gower, Chaucer, and the Problem of Incest in Shakespeare's 'Pericles'

Author / Editor
Johnston, Andrew James.

Sailing the Seas of Literary History: Gower, Chaucer, and the Problem of Incest in Shakespeare's 'Pericles'

Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 41 (2009): 381-407.

Argues that in "Pericles" Shakespeare links Catholicism to English literary history "for the purposes of a complex investigation into the politics of literary history." Allusions to incest in the play, and allusions to Gower and to Chaucer's allusions to Apollonius' incest and Gower in MLPT, combine to evoke a "contradictory concept of literary history" in which the present depends upon but supersedes the past. Unlike Gower, Chaucer is "hidden . . . between the lines of 'Pericles'."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Man of Law and His Tale