From Textual Interpretation to Film Adaptation: The Narratorial, Readerly, and Directorial Gaze at the 'Joly Body' of Geoffrey Chaucer's Wife of Bath
- Author / Editor
- Delony, Mikee Chisholm.
From Textual Interpretation to Film Adaptation: The Narratorial, Readerly, and Directorial Gaze at the 'Joly Body' of Geoffrey Chaucer's Wife of Bath
- Published
- DAI A69.11 (2009): n.p.
- Description
- Reads the Wife of Bath as "Chaucer's construction of the . . . female body as a literal and metaphoric text," and explores how depictions of the Wife in modern films respond to her critical reception as well as his original creation.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Wife of Bath and Her Tale
- Recordings and Films