Addressing the Bed: Towards a Premodern Poetics of Lost Love

Author / Editor
Bridges, Margaret.

Addressing the Bed: Towards a Premodern Poetics of Lost Love

Dagmar Wieser, Patrick Labarthe, Jean-Paul Avice, eds. Mémoire et Oubli dans le Lyrisme Européen (Paris: Champion, 2008), pp. 311-41.

Describes the tradition of the rhetorical topos of the abandoned lover's apostrophe to the bed, considering the "gendered" fetishism of Ariadne's address in LGW, the description of Alceste in LGWP, Troilus's address to the empty house in TC, and Dido in LGW and HF.

Wieser, Dagmar, ed.
Labarthe, Patrick, ed.
Avice, Jean-Paul, ed.

Alternative Title
Mémoire et Oubli dans le Lyrisme Européen.

Chaucer Subjects
Legend of Good Women
Troilus and Criseyde
House of Fame
Style and Versification