'The devel have part on alle swich rekenynges: The Augustinian Argument about Wealth and Wisdom in Chaucer's 'Shipman's Tale'

Author / Editor
Marshall, Joseph.

'The devel have part on alle swich rekenynges: The Augustinian Argument about Wealth and Wisdom in Chaucer's 'Shipman's Tale'

Medieval Perspectives 22 (2007): 60-72.

Argues that Chaucer seeks to persuade the audience of ShT to "use money wisely" by exposing the fallacy of equating wisdom and wealth and by following St. Augustine's arguments about wealth (that are also echoed in Mel and ParsT). This helps to justify the references to Augustine in ShT.

Chaucer Subjects
Shipman and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Tale of Melibee
Parson and His Tale.