Povestirile din Canterbury

Author / Editor
Duțescu, Dan, trans.

Povestirile din Canterbury

Iași: Polirom, 1998.

Physical Description
2 vols.: 343, 345 pp.; b&w illus.

Translation of CT (except PrT, Mel, and ParsT) in Romanian poetry, based on the text of W. W. Skeat, with b&w illustrations of the pilgrims and the tales by Val Munteanu. The volume reprints with new pagination the 1964 version (Bucharest: Editura Pentru Literatură Universală, 2 vols. [412, 406 pp]). The early version includes an introduction, in Romanian (1:5-42), by Zoe Dumitrescu-Bușulenga; Duțescu provides his own (1:5-9) in 1998. Duțescu also published a compilation of GP, MilT, NPT, and ClT in 1958; not seen.

Munteanu, Val, illus.
Dumitrescu-Bușulenga, Zoe.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations