The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Alexander, Michael, and Mary Alexander.

The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

Harlow: Longman; London: York, 2005.

Physical Description
129 pp. Rev ed.

York Notes Advanced.

Study guide to GP that includes a synopsis, commentary, and glosses (text not included, except for three passages in Middle English for closer analysis--lines 1-18, 118-62 [Prioress], and 331-60 [Franklin]). Also includes descriptions of Chaucer's life and context, various modes and genres, themes and devices, characterization, sources and backgrounds, theoretical approaches, and suggestions for further reading. Earlier versions published in 1980 and 1998.

Alexander, Mary.

Chaucer Subjects
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Prioress and Her Tale
Franklin and His Tale