Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and Transformations

Author / Editor
Clouston, W. A.
Goldberg, Christine, ed.

Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and Transformations

Denver: ABC-CLIO, 2002.

Physical Description
lxxxix, 585 pp. Reprint.

ABC-CLIO Classic Folk and Fairy Tales

Reprints Clouston's two-volume work (1887), with its original Introduction and Index, commentary on the brass steed of SqT, and chapter entitled "Chaucer's 'Pardoner's Tale'" (pp. 490-511) that traces the sources and analogues of the Tale. Adds an "Introduction to this Edition" (pp. vii-xxxi) in which Goldberg describes Clouston's career, including his contributions to Chaucer studies.

Chaucer Subjects
Squire and His Tale
Pardoner and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations