'To walke aboute the mase, in certeynte, / As a woman that nothing rought': The Maze Motif and Feminine Imagination in 'The Assembly of Ladies'

Author / Editor
Spencer, Alice.

'To walke aboute the mase, in certeynte, / As a woman that nothing rought': The Maze Motif and Feminine Imagination in 'The Assembly of Ladies'

Kathleen A. Bishop, ed. Standing in the Shadow of the Master? Chaucerian Influences and Interpretations (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010), pp. 204-23.

The anonymous author of "The Assembly of Ladies" counterdefines herself against a clearly Chaucerian courtly tradition by allying herself with a distinctly feminine textuality that is opposed to a traditional masculine hermeneutics.

Alternative Title
Standing in the Shadow of the Master?

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucerian Apocrypha
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations