Bloom's How to Write About Geoffrey Chaucer

Author / Editor
Sauer, Michelle M.

Bloom's How to Write About Geoffrey Chaucer

New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2010.

Physical Description
viii, 232 pp.

Pedagogical introduction to Chaucer's works, presented as advice for writing college-level essays (written by Sauer with Laurie A. Sterling, with a sample essay on male physiognomy in GP by Timothy Richards) and writing about Chaucer more particularly. Individual chapters summarize selected Chaucerian narratives and lyrics and identify themes, characters, historical contexts, genres, imagery, etc., accompanied by suggested topics for writing. The volume provides a bibliography for each chapter and includes a cumulative index. Works considered are GP, KnT, MilT, RvT, WBPT, ClT, FranT, PardPT, PrT, NPT, TC, and five complaints (Pity, Lady, Mars, Venus, and Purse).

Bloom, Harold, intro.
Sterling, Laurie A.
Richards, Timothy.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General
Troilus and Criseyde
Lyrics and Short Poems