Forgetful Muses: Reading the Author in the Text

Author / Editor
Lancashire, Ian.

Forgetful Muses: Reading the Author in the Text

Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press, 2010.

Physical Description
xii, 339 pp. : b&w figs. and graphs.

Explores literary composition as "cybertextuality," employing a fusion of cognitive theory, stylistic analysis, computer applications, and attribution studies. The goal is to uncover the compositional processes of writers by examining their verbal habits and their comments on authorship, including references to the muses and other remarks on literary creation. Lancashire examines the foul papers and stylistic habits of a wide range of poets and writers, medieval to modern. Discussion of Chaucer (pp. 116-33 and elsewhere) focuses on repeated phrases and on how patterns in repetition vary over the course of the composition of CT. Also comments on HF.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies
House of Fame
Canterbury Tales--General