'Heat' in Old English and in Chaucer's Creation of Metaphors of Love

Author / Editor
Healey, Antonette diPaolo.

'Heat' in Old English and in Chaucer's Creation of Metaphors of Love

Osamu Imahayashi, Yoshiyuki Nakao, and Michiko Ogura, eds. Aspects of the History of the English Language and Literature: Selected Papers Read at SHELL 2009, Hiroshima (New York; Peter Lang, 2010), pp. 3-18.

The semantic field of "heat" includes emotional connotations in Old English, but Chaucer evokes new oxymoronic nuances when he uses it in Troilus's song, TC 1.400-420.

Alternative Title
Aspects of the History of the English Language and Literature: Selected Papers Read at SHELL 2009, Hiroshima.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies
Troilus and Criseyde