Geoffrey Chaucer: "Les contes de Canterbury" et autres œuvres

Author / Editor
Crépin, André, and others, trans., in collaboration with Ann Wéry.

Geoffrey Chaucer: "Les contes de Canterbury" et autres œuvres

Paris: Laffont, 2010.

Physical Description
xlvi, 1650 pp.

Bilingual edition of the works of Chaucer, based on The Riverside Chaucer. Includes CT, Rom, BD, HF, Anel, PF, Bo, TC, LGW, short poems, Astr, Equat, and French poems attributed to Chaucer. Translators include André Crépin, Jean-Jacques Blanchot, Florence Bourgne, Guy Bourquin, Derek S. Brewer, Hélène Dauby, Juliette Dor, Emmanuel Poulle, and James I. Wimsatt. Provides commentary and indexes.

Wéry, Ann.
Blanchot, Jean-Jacques, trans.
Bourgne, Florence, trans.
Bourquin, Guy, trans.
Brewer, Derek S., trans.
Dauby, Hélène, trans.
Dor, Juliette, trans.
Poulle, Emmauel, trans.
Wimsatt, James I., trans.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.