Metaphor at Play: Chaucer's Poetics of Exemplarity

Author / Editor
Pizzorno, Patrizia Grimaldi.

Metaphor at Play: Chaucer's Poetics of Exemplarity

Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 1997.

Physical Description
x, 136 pp.

Confronti Letterari, no. 10.

Four essays by Pizzorno on Chaucer's epistemological uses of metaphor, exempla, and allegory, with an appendix (pp. 111-31) on figurative thinking in classical and medieval tradition and in modern theory. Chapter one (pp. 5-29) was previously published; see "Chauntecleer's Bad Latin." For the other three essays, search for Metaphor at Play under Alternative Title.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism