Mittelalter und Renaissance in England: Von der Altenglischen Elegien bis Shakespeares Tragögien

Author / Editor
Erzgräber, Willi.

Mittelalter und Renaissance in England: Von der Altenglischen Elegien bis Shakespeares Tragögien

Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach, 1997.

Physical Description
569 pp.; b&w illus.

Twenty-two essays by Erzgräber, most of them previously published. Eight of the essays pertain to Chaucer, one published here for the first time: "Predestination in Langland and Chaucer" (pp. 179-201). In it, Erzgräber surveys St. Augustine's doctrine of predestination and its influence on Langland's "Piers Plowman"; he then summarizes Boethius's philosophical approach to fate and fortune and describes Chaucer's uses of Boethius in TC. Langland and Chaucer both maintain that human will is free.

Alternative Title
"Predestination in Langland and Chaucer."

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations