Toll Taker and Tale Teller: Chaucer's Buried Fears in 'The Pardoner's Tale'. With following Discussion

Author / Editor
Sabine, Maureen.

Toll Taker and Tale Teller: Chaucer's Buried Fears in 'The Pardoner's Tale'. With following Discussion

Jonathan Hall and Ackbar Abbas, ed. Literature and Anthropology (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1986), pp. 52-95.

Reads PardT as evidence of the "darker undercurrents" of Chaucer's worries about his worldly success, especially as reflected in the night-time setting of the tale, its demonic imagery, and the Old Man's associations with avarice, death, and the "plurisignative" meaning of "cheste." In the "Discussion" (pp. 86-95) of Sabine's essay, Martin Aske, Louis Montrose, Darko Suvin, and Maureen Sabine consider the "author function" of PardT.

Hall, Jonathan, ed.
Abbas, Ackbar, ed.
Aske, Martin.
Montrose, Louis.
Suvin, Darko.

Alternative Title
Literature and Anthropology.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale