Transformations: Chaucer's Use of Italian

Author / Editor
Schless, Howard.

Transformations: Chaucer's Use of Italian

Derek Brewer, ed. Geoffrey Chaucer. Writers and their Background (London: G. Bell, 1974), pp. 184-223.

Surveys evidence of the likelihood that Chaucer learned Italian from "Lombards" (especially members of the Bardi family) who were living in London and involved in affairs of trade and banking. Demonstrates how Chaucer adapted his Italian literary sources by means of three extended examples: his radical refashioning of Boccaccio's temple of Venus as a "temple of excess" in PF; his enlivening of Boccaccio's characters from "Filostrato" in TC; and his rendering of Dante's Ugolino as a figure of pathos in MkT.

Alternative Title
Geoffrey Chaucer. Writers and their Background.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Life
Language and Word Studies
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Parliament of Fowls
Troilus and Criseyde
Monk and His Tale