The Manuscripts of Chaucer's Works and Their Use

Author / Editor
Donaldson, E. T[albot].

The Manuscripts of Chaucer's Works and Their Use

Derek Brewer, ed. Geoffrey Chaucer. Writers and their Background (London: G. Bell, 1974), pp. 85-108.

Describes the editorial practices necessary to produce a modern edition of Chaucer's works, commenting on spelling, punctuation (especially virgules), meter (especially final -e), and distinguishing scribal and authorial forms. Summarizes the number of manuscripts for each of Chaucer's works (including individual tales of Canterbury), and describes the genetic method of reconstruction, recommending that editors trust their own convictions. Closes with comments on three cruces: WBP 3.117, Th (7.917), and ShT (7.43).

Alternative Title
Geoffrey Chaucer. Writers and their Background.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations