Lirika Dz. Cosera: Vstanye Liriceskie Stixi v Ego Poemax [ Lyrics of G. Chaucer (Inserted Lyrical Verses in His Narratives) ]

Author / Editor
Varnaite, Irena.

Lirika Dz. Cosera: Vstanye Liriceskie Stixi v Ego Poemax [ Lyrics of G. Chaucer (Inserted Lyrical Verses in His Narratives) ]

Literatura: Lietuvos TSR Aukstuju Mokyklu Mokslo Darbai 21.3 (1979): 22-32.

Treats Chaucer's embedded lyrics as "independent complete structures" that contribute to their respective contexts and can as well stand alone. Comments on the rondel in PF, the ballade in LGW, the envoy of ClT, and the aubades, songs, and letters in TC.
In Russian, with summaries in Lithuanian and English.

Alternative Title
"Lyrics of G. Chaucer (Inserted Lyrical Verses in His Narratives."

Chaucer Subjects
Lyrics and Short Poems
Parliament of Fowls
Legend of Good Women
Clerk and His Tale
Troilus and Criseyde