Constancy and Foreswearing in Chaucer's Man of Law's and Canon's Yeoman's Tales'
- Author / Editor
- Jost, Jean E.
Constancy and Foreswearing in Chaucer's Man of Law's and Canon's Yeoman's Tales'
- Published
- Medieval Perspectives 2 (1987): 73-80.
- Description
- Reads MLT and CYT as opposed tales. Custance of MLT is a "worthy victim" of the broken promises of others and someone who "steadfastly" keeps her own. CYPT, on the other hand, is "marked by changeability, mutability, and vacillation"; its characters mislead others by false and broken promises.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Man of Law and His Tale.
- Canon's Yeoman and His Tale.