'Fayre Sisters Al': 'The Flower and the Leaf' and 'The Assembly of Ladies'

Author / Editor
McMillan, Ann.

'Fayre Sisters Al': 'The Flower and the Leaf' and 'The Assembly of Ladies'

Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 1.1 (1982): 27-42.

Argues that "The Flower and the Leaf" and "The Assembly of Ladies" are both concerned with female chastity as a means to effective power, the first asserting this theme and the second expressing frustration with such assertions. Also surveys questions of authorship of the two poems, long attributed to Chaucer, and compares their "non-traditional uses" of dream-vision conventions with parallel ones in works by Christine de Pisan and Chaucer, particularly LGW.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucerian Apocrypha
Legend of Good Women