The Kalendarium of Nicholas of Lynn

Author / Editor
Eisner, Sigmund, ed. Trans. Gary MacEoin and Sigmund Eisner.

The Kalendarium of Nicholas of Lynn

Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1980.

Physical Description
xii, 248 pp.

The Chaucer Library.

Facing-page edition and translation of Nicholas of Lynn's "Kalendarium," a source for Astr (as Chaucer tells us) and for the astronomical observations in three passages of CT (MLP, NPT, and ParsP). Based on Bodleian Library MS Laud Miscellaneous 662, the text is lightly emended, with a full set of the charts, illustrations, and canons that accompany it. Eisner's Introduction identifies Nicholas and his influence on Chaucer, explains the medieval kalendarium and its uses, and describes the extant manuscripts and editorial principles that underlie the volume.

MacEoin, Gary, trans.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
Treatise on the Astrolabe
Man of Law and His Tale
Nun's Priest and His Tale
Parson and His Tale