King Thoas and the Ominous Letter in Chaucer's Troilus

Author / Editor
Benson, C. David

King Thoas and the Ominous Letter in Chaucer's Troilus

Philological Quarterly 58 (1979): 16-25.

The letter read by Helen and Deiphobus is an example of "special foreshadowing"; it pertains to King Thoas of Greece (derived by Chaucer from Guido delle Colonne), who later (4.138) will be part of the prisoner exchange that sends Criseyde to the Greek camp. With deep tragic irony, Chaucer foreshadows the separation of Troilus and Criseyde just before the lovers actually meet.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Style and Versification