Commentary on Carol Barthel's 'Prince Arthur and Bottom the Weaver'

Author / Editor
Davis, Walter R.

Commentary on Carol Barthel's 'Prince Arthur and Bottom the Weaver'

David A. Richardson, ed. Spenser: Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern (Cleveland State University, 1977), pp. 84-91. [Microfiche available from the Department of English.]

Disagrees with Carol Barthel's assertion that Spenser derived Prince Arthur's dream of the Fairy Queen from Chaucer's Thop, but argues that, in completing SqT in Book 4 of "The Faerie Queene," Spenser encourages his readers to seek allegorical meaning.

Richardson, David A., ed.

Alternative Title
Spenser: Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Tale of Sir Thopas
Squire and His Tale